Insanity flyff in a Nutshell
Download the Latest Client in the official website: https://www.insanityflyff.com |
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In Insanity flyff the Web Account is your all in one quick access to your entire account dashboard! You can easily access all of your In-game accounts with a click of a button! |
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In Insanity flyff your Vote Matters! as it is important that you should start voting as soon as possible , each day you get 250+ Vote Points when done properly with these vote points (VP) you are able to buy Premium Items, Awakening Items, Fashion and more! |
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How to Vote In Insanity flyff your Vote Matters! as it is important that you should start voting as soon as possible , each day you get 250+ Vote Points when done properly with these vote points (VP) you are able to buy Premium Items, Awakening Items, Fashion and more! |
Insanity flyff Trailer
What is Insanity flyff?
Insanity flyff was founded in 2008, making it one of the oldest and longest running servers out there!
It boasts custom mid to high rates, custom content like monsters and dungeons, custom fashion, cosmetic systems, level caps, gear, and TONS more!
Versions and Custom Changes
[In-Game Preview]

Menu Features |
Actionbar Features |
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[Later Content Preview]
[Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)]
Insanity flyff 101
-Leveling and Job Change:
-Skills and Buffs:
-Maps and Traveling:
-Dungeons and Bosses:
-Farming and Money Making:
-Currencies and Storage:
-Consumables and Premium Items:
-Getting Started!:
When you start-out you get a free 7day durational Starter Box , that gives you CS , Premium Items and Food
Starter Box Contents:
Town Blink , Flaris , Saintmorning , Darkon
Novice Little Husky Pet (7days)
Novice Twinkle Broom (7days)
Wings and Cloak Models
~Starter CS Set
You Also Get Starter sets effect that get greatly increased as you progress with your leveling ,

aswel as Level Up Rewards
you can buy Premium Items and Pets / Fashion in our Consumables Shop and other custom NPC Shops in Major Towns
(Flaris , Saint Morning , Darkon , Shaduwar , Eillun and Oroth's Domain)
Basic Movements and Camera Angles

[Hot Keys]
De-selects a targeted player, monster, item, or NPC.
F1 ~ F10
Act as hotkeys for items, motions, and skills placed in your Quick Slot Bar. (In order to remove something from the bar, unlock the lock and drag it off the bar.)
1 ~ 10
Act as hotkeys for items, motions, and skills placed in your Quick Slot Bar, additionally you can further extend your action-bar and have Alt+1 - 10 and Ctrl+1 -10 buttons.
Activates the skills you have assigned to your Action Slot (located bottom right).
Opens the Duration window. Items with timed effects with display here, listing the amount of time left until the items de-activate.
Shows your Ping, Local Time and Dungeon Cooldowns aswel as Screen Size.
Opens up your Glow System (Note; the Bag System was removed and was replaced with the Aura Glow system with up to 60 different Glow combinations).
Opens up your Party Window, you can further locate Parties with the [Party Finder] here.
Opens up the Guild System feature!
Opens up the Guild Furniture System, and which furnitures your guild has currently on display at your Guild House.
Activates the Chat Box and enters any text you have typed. Note that if you press the arrow down key ? you will access previous chats that you have imputed. Good for when you want to repeat a previous chat.
[Movement Keys]
i think we both already know what's gonna happen when we press these buttons dont we? ;D
Switches between Run mode and Walk mode. During flight, it can be used to activate the AccelorFuel for your flying device.
Re-Targets Player Characters in Pvp (Arena and or Siege) , also toggles between valid aerial targets during flying combat.
Space Bar
Used to make your character jump. You can control the direction of the jump with the W, A, S, or D keys.
[Camera Keys]
Arrow Keys
Control the direction and angle of the camera.
Scroll Lock
Places your camera into First Person mode. Pressing the button repeatedly will cause the camera to zoom in.
Page Up
Focuses the camera on your character. Hold the key down to zoom in on your character further.
Page Down
Pull the camera away from your character. Hold the key down to pull all the way back from your character.
Ctrl + F
Toggles frame rate display found in upper left corner.
Print Screen
Makes a Screen Shot of the current screen, and saves it in your Capture Folder
as soon as possible try to get to level 300 , for the contents Insanity flyff provides is within the end game tier , but nevertheless the early stages of leveling are 100% available and enjoyable aswel and items can be bought in the lvl 120+ Equipment Shop BoboChan BlackSmith NPC in all major towns
Preferably Start with a Support Class like a Seraph (Assist -> RingMaster -> Seraph)
Insanity flyff has an Automated Job Chance Window at Levels 15 -> 60 -> 151 aswel as Master -> Hero -> Legend System
flyff Job Tree Class Icons

Job Change Levels are as Follows:
Lvl 1 - 15:
Lvl 15 - 60: 1st Job Change
(Acrobat , Mercenary , Magician , Assist)
Lvl 60 - 150: 2nd Job Change
(Blade/Knight , Ranger/Jester , Ringmaster/Billposter , Psykeeper/Elementor)
Lvl 151 - 300: 3rd Job Change
(Slayer/Templar , Crackshooter/Harlequin , Seraph/Forcemaster , Mentalist/Arcanist)
[Leveling Path Overview]

When leveling:

Use your Starter Exp Potion(Starter Reward Box)
300% Exp Potion (RedChip shop / ItemMall)
150% Exp Potion (RedChip shop / ItemMall)
x3 Amplification Scrolls (Red Chip Shop / ItemMall)
Lords Exp Event +50%(Optional)

[Party / Party Finder and Party Buffs]
as often as possible join a party to get access to the buffs that are greatly helpful on your journey
you can access the party window by pressing [P] you can then send an invite to a player by right clicking him/her or by manually inputting his/her name in the chat bar /PartyInvite (name) or by Party Finder
when Finding Party's be sure to look for the indications of the Party Being Active and the Buffs they are currently Using
when you successfully joined an Active Party with buffs you will now be able to benefit from the buffs such as:
[Currencies & Exchange Rewards]
[Farming Path Overview]

-You can get Penya pretty much anywhere , masquerpets drop them but the highest amounts dropped are in Shade's Rift (Ticket Area)

-You can get RedChips in Special Areas such as;
Traseia , Mars Mine , Azria , Ivillis Temple , Coral Island (Ticket Area) , Dekane Mine , Dark Traseia (Ticket Area) , Forgotten Island (Ticket Area) , Shades Rift (Ticket Area)
Shades Rift being the best location to farm Penya and Red Chips from

-Soul Fragments or SF's are the "Coin" Rewards you get from BossHunting or Giant Hunting or from Colosseum , Amount of Rewards depends on the Difficulty and Stage you Finish

-GM Event Chips are Granted by Winning an event hosted by

-The Siege Shop
Only the best of the best in PvP get to join and enjoy the shop!
[Gear Progression and Acquisition]
60-105 (Guardian to Legendary Weapons / Lv45 to Lv105 Green Sets)
150-200 (Lusaka Weapons/Armor Sets -> Swiftness Weapons/Armor Sets)
250-290 (Asylum Weapons/Armor Sets -> Vengeful Weapons/Shields)
300 (Baku Imperial Weapons/Armor Sets -> Trinium Weapons/Titan Armor Sets -> Divine Weapons/Celestial Armor Sets)
350 (Dragon Lord and Dark Oroth Weapons and Armor Sets)
[Farming / Bosshunting]
>Boss Location Guide (Dungeon / Instance)<
>Boss Fighting Guide (Stats / Dmg / Weaknesses)<
You get Soul Dust/Fragments from Hunting Bosses , and you can use Soul Fragments to buy Equipment , Items and Premium Items in the various NPC Shops
Alternative Farming Routes:
>Farming Alternatives Guide<
Item Awakening is done here using FOUR! types of Awakening Scrolls!.
[Regular Awakening Scroll]
Regular Awakening Scrolls are bought from [Shop] Upgrading in Major Towns near BlackSmith NPC's

1 Line = 10%
2 Line = 50%
3 Line = 40%
[Unique Awakening Scroll]

(UAS) Ultimate Awakening Scrolls can be obtained from [Shop] Upgrading with Soul Fragments, [GM Event] Reward Shop with Event Chips, or Item Mall using iPoints or Vote Points.
1 Line = 30%
2 Line = 30%
3 Line = 40%
[Epic Awakening Scroll]

An Improved version of UAS, it increases the lowest roll and increases the higher rolls!
You can get these from the [Scheming Hells] NPC or through the [Item Mall] and other rewards such as Bosshunting and Battle Pass!.
1 Line = 30%
2 Line = 30%
3 Line = 40%
PvE Dmg has 7% Chance to Appear
[Super Epic Awakening Scrolls]

The best scroll for Awakening there is!
It removes the DCT stat roll and further increases the chance to get the PvE% Stat roll by 14%!
You can only get this scroll through the [Item Mall].
1 Line = 20%
2 Line = 30%
3 Line = 50%
PvE Dmg has 14% Chance to Appear!
Maximum values:
120% for DCT
250% for Speed
100% for Critical Chance
100% for Attack Speed
80% for Melee Block
80% for Range Block
For More Info
>Awakening Statistic Guide<
Auto-awakening is a system feature where you can effectively leave your Character to awake specific awake/lines/amounts and their mixes and come back with $$$ stat awake mixes!

Auto-awakening is done via.
Buffpang NPC |
Menu Feature |
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>Auto Awakening Guide<
Fully Upgraded Weapon Overview;
Basic Upgrade Bonus Effects
The Basic upgrading here in Insanity flyff is Based on v14-v17 upgrading system where in there is a safe upgrade feature but also a more easier approach to Baruna Upgrading and Ultimate Weapon upgrading where in it doesnt cost anything else but Shining Oricalkums
>General Upgrading Guide<
In Insanity flyff there is a feature of upgrading past Baruna and Ultimate that is Crystal Upgrading , it greatly increases the stats when you reach certain safepoints of upgrades
[Add->Crystal Upgrade Guide Here <-]
>Crystal Upgrading Method<
Insanity flyff's cards are somewhat unchanged compared to Official Server of flyff only the Weapon Elemental Cards are changed
S = 9stat (10 for Electric)
X = 12stat (13 for Electric)
>Insanity flyff Socketing<
>Insanity flyff Jewel and Runes<
>Insanity flyff Crafting<
>Insanity flyff Rarity<
>Clean to Maxed Guide<
[Food and Prems (Premium Items)]
]-In Insanity flyff , the main Food or Hp / Mp / Fp Recovery Item is "Remantis Laccotte"
This item Restores the players HP,MP,FP Completely (100%)
"Remantis Laccotte""Prems"(Treasure Boxes / Forgotten Island)
(Treasure Boxes)
(Treasure Boxes)
(Treasure Boxes)
(Treasure Boxes)
(Red Chip Shop)
(Treasure Boxes)
>Treasure System Guide<
>Prems List Guide<
[Skills/Buffs Complete List]
>Complete Classes Buffs Guide<
Buffpangs ,you can get 2hour Buffs that Gives you the effects of the Assist Buffs! , but be advised when you relog or logout your buff timer reverts to 1 hour
PocketPangs , these are the "Travel Size" buffs you can use and spawn in a spot , has a duration of 5 minutes (30 minutes if a GM spawns them) , and it gives you the total effects of Assist / Ringmaster and Seraph Buffs!
(Note):Lvl 1-350 FreeBuffs and Special Custom PocketPangs
[Assist,Ringmaster,Seraph Buffs]
Thank you for taking the time to visit and read this overview Guide to Insanity flyffs Contents and Systems in-Game and Beyond that
, I hope it had given you some clarity and more info to what Insanity flyff is and has been for the past Decade and a half.
Invite your friends to the Insanity Discord by using this link!:
Easy copy pasta: https://discord.gg/insanitymmorpg
