Hello There! I'm Gabsy and today ill be showing you how to reach your full potential!.
For this guide i will be placing a limit on the hours ill be playing, 3 hours per each day is the challenge i would undertake.
This Guide Covers:
•Leveling Areas
•Farming Areas
•Purchase Priorities
•Upgrade Priorities
•Item Priorities
as wel as indepth look into how people can reach "Noob to Pro" Status in the shortest time possible!.
We will be using This as our Leveling RoadMap

and This for our Farming RoadMap

[Day 1] - Leveling Up to 300!
For this Guide, i will be using the ever so versatile, Seraph!
Lets Start!
So first things first,

Press [O] to access the Motion Window, go ahead and drag the "Attack the selected target" Motion and drag it to your action bar as shown below.

Next, if you want to to Extend or Retract the actionbar you can freely do so using the Arrow and Change Icon

1, 2 and 3 are the Windows that Expand when you press Up and Retract when you Press Down
4 - Expand
5 - Retract
6 - Change [Interchanges the registered keys of 1 -0 / F1 - F10 / A1 - A0
7 - Sliding Actionbar for added Slots
8 - Lock
Next is Searching and Joining an active buff Party, go ahead and Press [P]

Then Press Search and on the PartyFinder window click Search and Join a Party with Active Buffs "Used"

Then, go ahead and Get Buffed from Buff Pang

and Start Leveling!
After you reach Level 11 or 15 go back to Buff Pang and press click Teleport, lets head to Saint Morning

Continue Leveling up, at level 15 there should be an automatic FastJob Change UI Pop-up, Job Change is Automated and Skills are instantly MAXED when you meet their level requirement. (if you closed or dc'ed on job change, head to Eastern Flaris and manualy change job).

for this build, we will be focusing on all STA

Press [U] for the Pet Filter and check out all the boxes or the prefered loots you want to get.

Make sure to PickUp "Jewelry" and other Upgrade Materials.
Just continue on leveling and following the leveling roadmap above just browse through the maps with teleports and blinkwings.
You can only use Prevention and Stonehand when using a Shield or a Knuckle as mainhand.

Once you reach level60 head on to Darkon Town and Buy BlessPosters

Continue Leveling and when you reach level80, head back to town or in my case Flaris, purchase any stick or when you loot one on the way thats fine, you will need this to be able to use "Merkaba Hanzelrusha" our main DPS skill and our RM buffs which will greatly increase our stats!

Just continue on following the Leveling Road map and levelup

Once you reach lvl120 99.99% exp you will reset to Level 60 [M] you will get a free reset of stats, just put it all on STA and just browse through levels again, this time you will be getting 3 stat per level instead of 2.
Following the Map, Head to Forsaken Tower in Flaris
There you will be leveling up until Level185

Now you reach level151 and you will change to your 3rd Job
Continue leveling and when you reach level 185, go to Shaduwar

Here you will be leveling until 200 or when you are strong enough

Now head on to Valey of Risen when you think you can take it

Level here until Level 230

Next Lets head on to Kailun Grassland, where you will be leveling until 275

After reaching Lv250 here i went back to town to purchase "Swiftness Stick" to help with my damage

Continue Leveling until 275

At Level 275, head to Bahara Desert, you will be grinding here until 300

Level290! now exp will be greaty reduced, you will be starting to get 5% to 1% per kill at 290-299!

And Level 300 Reached!

With our Levelup Rewards and Penya earned from Leveling, lets go ahead and get a companion

For this i went for Survivability over Damage which is a Lion.
Now Lets go back to Forsaken Tower and farm Quest Items for our Pet Feed.

And Lastly Lets go ahead and Awake our Items we got for the day,

Simpy Focus on;
-PvE Damag
-Increased Attack
-and Increased HP
2 Lines is Enough
you can get these from Norma Awake Scrolls (note: when using regular awake scrolls certain parts of Armor have awake limitations)
Bare in mind that the max for DCT is 120, any higher amount wouldnt do any increase, so just change awakes later when you awaked all items.
you dont need to spend too much, just the bare necesarry stats
At the end of the day this is our current Awake Status, no upgrades yet well do that on Day 2.

Dont Forget to Vote Daily!
Each day you can vote on 4 sites, for a total of 200Vote Points

Keep this a Daily Routine, we will need the Vote Points to purchase "Cloak of Honor"

[Day 2] - Farming for Upgrade Materials and Forgotten Island Attempt!
With the remaining penya go ahead and continue leveling up the to Pet 1/3/5/?/?.

[Raised Pet GUIDE]
Using our "Forgotten Island Ticket" we got from Leveling up
Drop+ Stats Counter
Party Bufs GiftBox = GB +1
Total GB = 1
Party Buffs FortuneDrop = DropRate +?
Lords Event = DropRate +25%
Total DropRate = 25%++
Right now we have:
GiftBox +1
DropRate +25%++

Lets go ahead and farm in FI, dont forget to use your free Buff Premiums

It should be do-able aslong as we dont lure too much.

Half-way through, looking good

1 Hour is UP!, our prems Expired, Lets see our haul.

13p and 5k RedChips, not bad
Lets go back to town and buy new gear

for this get Swiftness Set
Holy Knight Shield

And a Pet we are making into a Buffpet

Using a "Pick-up Pet Upgrade" and "Bead Slot Key"
We are going to make a 0/9 Slotted Buff Pet

And improve our Raised Pet a litte, you dont have to spend too much just reaching 1/3/5/7/? is enough

For our buff pet beads we took

- Speed 17% (7day)
- INT 7 (7day)
- STA 7 (7day)
- Increased Hp 10% (7day)
- PvE Damage 3% (7day)
- Additonal Damage 150 (7day)
- Speed 13% (3day)
- INT 3 (3day)
- STA 3 (3day)
Now we have a new Set, a Shield and a new Buff Pet we need to get Upgrading Materials, Lets go ahead and Farm for Upgrade Materials
Lets go to "Mars Mine"

The items we will be looking for are "Sunstones" and "Moonstones"

Mini-Bosses here also drop 7% and (A) Cards

1 Hour in and we got ourselves 1.7k Moons and 1.8k Suns

Buffs Expired had to leave, boss didnt die fast enough :c
Lets go back to town and head to "Scroll Shop" NPC
Lets Buy "Scroll of SProtect", "Scroll of AProtect" and "Scroll of GProtect"

Lets go ahead and "Safe Upgrade" our Sets aswel as "Safe Pierce" our Weapon, Shield and Suit aswel as "Safe Jewelry Upgrade" our Rings, Earrings and Necklace
[General Upgrade GUIDE]
[Gear Improvement GUIDE]
After Upgrades, Jewelry Upgrades and Applying the Cards we got plus awakening the items, lets check our Stats

We went past the Maximum DCT amount so well have to change every DCT line so no stat line is wasted

I was already using the Buff Pet so the exceeding DCT amount was ony from the Stick and Earring
This was the Result, Nice

Lets go ahead and summarize our improvements.

Dont forget to Vote!, its the Second day and we should be able to Purchase a "Cloak of Honor" now.

Awesome!, now the farming really starts!
Since weve reached our 3 hour qouta for the day, well just prepare for our next step in Farming.
Lets go ahead and Buy "Scroll of Aquisition (Small)" , "Lord's Cheer", a "Forgotten Island Ticket" (since the last one expired), and Retrieve our "Cloak of Honor" in our Mail Box

Lets go ahead and buy "Aviatrix's Apprentice Statted Set", and a "Red Chip Mask" the Allstat15 one, any will do.

Lets go ahead and Awake them and call it a day.

{continuation of the Zero to EndGame Guide}
[Zero to EndGame Guide](Part 2)