This guide is designed to help people who wants to farm dungeons / cove and prepare "clone" characters for it. I know that some people have found their own way of doing this. And I also think that there are points and tips to be brought to the following guide. BTW I haven't found a similar guide on the forum but I would greatly appreciate if you could link one like this if it exists already
Hi ! Let me introduce myself before going in depth in what I think is the easiest way to Level up 3 character of a same account. I have been on Insanity for a month now (i have played the game 3 years ago but it was just a break... a big one). I wanted to experience Insanity flyff endgame both PVE and PVP and I also wanted to be efficient as much as i could because :
- I'm going in China for a year from this September 2019
- I'm working everyday and don't have much time playing (+ other games)
So here it is, I'm presenting the best way I have found to level up 3 characters the cheapest way possible.
- The first thing I've done when I started to play was to create a Seraph, which I already knew was the easiest class to level up, farm, and obviously provides buffs. I want to mention that this Seraph is currently level 297 cause I'm exhausted of exping out of Criminal Island since I've discovered it recently.
When building up Seraph, it was an opportunity to learn about the game once more and explore what could have been done. I suggest taking time and following the Leveling guide to experience the game normally if you're just getting started.
- You MUST Vote at least once (the five available votes in order to proceed to the 3 character leveling). The whole point of this guide is to level up 3 characters with one Criminal Ticket. You will not need anything else from Vote points.
- You must create a second account (no matter if it is linked to the same e-mail adress or if it a brand new one with another e-mail adress). And create 3 characters OF THE SAME GENDER and CLASS. Please remind yourself that you can create a character only once a day. The 3 characters must be on the same account which means you need 3 days to proceed properly to this guide.
In this guide I'm going to take the exemple of 3 ForceMaster leveling up on a same account but it can work with ALL of the classes. Once your seraph is decent enough to farm 500 000 000 penyas, give the money to your first character of the 3 and prepare yourself for the incoming leveling fiesta. Go to the Bobo blacksmith family and buy : 120 Awakenings scrolls (and 110 Pink scrolls to erase the current awake (yeah I know i suck...)). Buy 1 Guardian Knuckle. 1 Legendary Knuckle. 1 Lusaka Ruby lvl 150 ForceMaster Knuckle. 1 Asylum Set lvl 250 according to the gender type of the 3 characters. And a shield (The best looking one you can find, it definitly doesn't affect your effiency at all, and we buy it for the awake). You will also need 1 Shared Bank Account from the Scroll Shop for EACH of your character.
Once you've done that, Awake all of the bought items with STA / HP% or dmg but prep yourself for AOE PVE. (You can also use Re-Stat Scrolls to change your style once you hit the AOE leveling skills)
Note: I haven't mentionned fashion and pets since they are provided level 1. I use them in the leveling process by awakening them as they are statted and good enough for the leveling part.
3:1 - From lvl 1 to lvl 205
And here it is. The leveling part starts from now on, with all of the equipment that you have prepared in your inventory. Buff yourself with your Seraph X Potions, Mana Potions and Mars Stone from the chest and prepare yourself for the fastest leveling process I have found:
Lvl 1 : Join a "Skills Group" by using "P" and teleport yourself to flaris north. Kill a bang and you'll get lvl 15. Change to desired class and kill another 2 or 3 captain BANG to level up 23-25. Put the Corail Island ticket you just received by hitting lvl 15 to a hotkey (as well as the pet and board you freely received from the lvl1 box). USE SCROLLS AND EXP POTIONS AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THEM DURING YOUR PROGRESSION. Use Buff Pang Corail Island to tp fast.
Lvl 23-50 : Go to the Garden of Rhisis by using buff pang on Corail Island and kills tombstoms.
Lvl 50 - 65 : Go to Darkon 1,2 to the Eldegard spot and lvl up 60 (change class) to 65.
Lvl 65 - 85 : Go to Mushpoies in Darkon and kill a bunch of them (you can actually drop neckless, ring, earrings to awake here and further on Galphan)
Lvl 85 - 105 : Go to Galphan by tping to the south of Darkon map and flying to them quickly.
Lvl 105 - 120 : Flaris Forsaken Tower floor 1 and kill some Casty.
Once you hit MASTER, do it all over again and progress to lvl 181 in the Forsaken Tower.
Lvl 181 - 199 : Follow the path in Shaduwar and kill Toads to Crocos.
Lvl 199 - 205 : TP to the entrance of the Valley of the Risen and kill some skeletons dogos.
And here you are lvl 205. I can properly do that in 45min which means that the first scrolls and potions havent expired yet. Remember, you should have 3 scrolls ES exp, 150% potions, 150% event reward potion, 300% potion.
Do that with your 3 characters, providing the stuff they need through Bank Account shared by the scroll which should take you 2h~. Once all of them are lvl 205 you're ready to proceed to the next step.
3:2 - From lvl 205 to 300
Go to the Item Mall of Insanity flyff website and buy yourself a 2h Criminal Island ticket to the character ready to lvl up with the equipment. TP to the criminal Island and start the Second part of your Leveling process.
REMEMBER, it is best to have the 3 characters of the same account prepared, lvl 205 ready for actions. If not, you may have to buy another Criminal Island...
Once on the Island just be carefull for the feferns as they have 10 levels difference with you for the first AOE, don't be greedy, you can easily manage to lvl up 5 times with just a few mobs of each aera. The mobs of the criminal Island are starting from lvl 215 to 300 and are all located next to each other forming a circle around the starting point. Just follow the path, the mobs are (almost) all red named and close to each other. They are not very strong and provide A LOT of Exp compared to normal maps mobs. End your leveling process by hitting lvl 300 to the criminal Galphans and put all of your Inventory stuff into the bank account INCLUDING THE CRIMINAL TICKET to your next character. This second leveling part should take 30 min if you can manage it properly.
And here it is, you now have 3 lvl 300 characters of the same class / same gender, ready to farm up dungeons 3 times better than one with the bank share scroll. I want to note that you can equip Soul-Linked item with the 3 characters by exchanging through the bank account which means, you only need to build one SET for the 3 characters.
The Guide for leveling stops here. I hope you enjoyed and will respond to any questions you're asking.
MengKai - flyff beginner player.
Hi ! Let me introduce myself before going in depth in what I think is the easiest way to Level up 3 character of a same account. I have been on Insanity for a month now (i have played the game 3 years ago but it was just a break... a big one). I wanted to experience Insanity flyff endgame both PVE and PVP and I also wanted to be efficient as much as i could because :
- I'm going in China for a year from this September 2019
- I'm working everyday and don't have much time playing (+ other games)
So here it is, I'm presenting the best way I have found to level up 3 characters the cheapest way possible.
- The first thing I've done when I started to play was to create a Seraph, which I already knew was the easiest class to level up, farm, and obviously provides buffs. I want to mention that this Seraph is currently level 297 cause I'm exhausted of exping out of Criminal Island since I've discovered it recently.
When building up Seraph, it was an opportunity to learn about the game once more and explore what could have been done. I suggest taking time and following the Leveling guide to experience the game normally if you're just getting started.
- You MUST Vote at least once (the five available votes in order to proceed to the 3 character leveling). The whole point of this guide is to level up 3 characters with one Criminal Ticket. You will not need anything else from Vote points.
- You must create a second account (no matter if it is linked to the same e-mail adress or if it a brand new one with another e-mail adress). And create 3 characters OF THE SAME GENDER and CLASS. Please remind yourself that you can create a character only once a day. The 3 characters must be on the same account which means you need 3 days to proceed properly to this guide.
In this guide I'm going to take the exemple of 3 ForceMaster leveling up on a same account but it can work with ALL of the classes. Once your seraph is decent enough to farm 500 000 000 penyas, give the money to your first character of the 3 and prepare yourself for the incoming leveling fiesta. Go to the Bobo blacksmith family and buy : 120 Awakenings scrolls (and 110 Pink scrolls to erase the current awake (yeah I know i suck...)). Buy 1 Guardian Knuckle. 1 Legendary Knuckle. 1 Lusaka Ruby lvl 150 ForceMaster Knuckle. 1 Asylum Set lvl 250 according to the gender type of the 3 characters. And a shield (The best looking one you can find, it definitly doesn't affect your effiency at all, and we buy it for the awake). You will also need 1 Shared Bank Account from the Scroll Shop for EACH of your character.
Once you've done that, Awake all of the bought items with STA / HP% or dmg but prep yourself for AOE PVE. (You can also use Re-Stat Scrolls to change your style once you hit the AOE leveling skills)
Note: I haven't mentionned fashion and pets since they are provided level 1. I use them in the leveling process by awakening them as they are statted and good enough for the leveling part.
3:1 - From lvl 1 to lvl 205
And here it is. The leveling part starts from now on, with all of the equipment that you have prepared in your inventory. Buff yourself with your Seraph X Potions, Mana Potions and Mars Stone from the chest and prepare yourself for the fastest leveling process I have found:
Lvl 1 : Join a "Skills Group" by using "P" and teleport yourself to flaris north. Kill a bang and you'll get lvl 15. Change to desired class and kill another 2 or 3 captain BANG to level up 23-25. Put the Corail Island ticket you just received by hitting lvl 15 to a hotkey (as well as the pet and board you freely received from the lvl1 box). USE SCROLLS AND EXP POTIONS AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THEM DURING YOUR PROGRESSION. Use Buff Pang Corail Island to tp fast.
Lvl 23-50 : Go to the Garden of Rhisis by using buff pang on Corail Island and kills tombstoms.
Lvl 50 - 65 : Go to Darkon 1,2 to the Eldegard spot and lvl up 60 (change class) to 65.
Lvl 65 - 85 : Go to Mushpoies in Darkon and kill a bunch of them (you can actually drop neckless, ring, earrings to awake here and further on Galphan)
Lvl 85 - 105 : Go to Galphan by tping to the south of Darkon map and flying to them quickly.
Lvl 105 - 120 : Flaris Forsaken Tower floor 1 and kill some Casty.
Once you hit MASTER, do it all over again and progress to lvl 181 in the Forsaken Tower.
Lvl 181 - 199 : Follow the path in Shaduwar and kill Toads to Crocos.
Lvl 199 - 205 : TP to the entrance of the Valley of the Risen and kill some skeletons dogos.
And here you are lvl 205. I can properly do that in 45min which means that the first scrolls and potions havent expired yet. Remember, you should have 3 scrolls ES exp, 150% potions, 150% event reward potion, 300% potion.
Do that with your 3 characters, providing the stuff they need through Bank Account shared by the scroll which should take you 2h~. Once all of them are lvl 205 you're ready to proceed to the next step.
3:2 - From lvl 205 to 300
Go to the Item Mall of Insanity flyff website and buy yourself a 2h Criminal Island ticket to the character ready to lvl up with the equipment. TP to the criminal Island and start the Second part of your Leveling process.
REMEMBER, it is best to have the 3 characters of the same account prepared, lvl 205 ready for actions. If not, you may have to buy another Criminal Island...
Once on the Island just be carefull for the feferns as they have 10 levels difference with you for the first AOE, don't be greedy, you can easily manage to lvl up 5 times with just a few mobs of each aera. The mobs of the criminal Island are starting from lvl 215 to 300 and are all located next to each other forming a circle around the starting point. Just follow the path, the mobs are (almost) all red named and close to each other. They are not very strong and provide A LOT of Exp compared to normal maps mobs. End your leveling process by hitting lvl 300 to the criminal Galphans and put all of your Inventory stuff into the bank account INCLUDING THE CRIMINAL TICKET to your next character. This second leveling part should take 30 min if you can manage it properly.
And here it is, you now have 3 lvl 300 characters of the same class / same gender, ready to farm up dungeons 3 times better than one with the bank share scroll. I want to note that you can equip Soul-Linked item with the 3 characters by exchanging through the bank account which means, you only need to build one SET for the 3 characters.
The Guide for leveling stops here. I hope you enjoyed and will respond to any questions you're asking.
MengKai - flyff beginner player.