Monster Hunter Tokens and their related NPCs have been removed.
However, this guide will remain here for records.
However, this guide will remain here for records.

The Monster Hunter system is a system to reward players for hunting and killing giants, boss monsters and special monster.
The NPC's for this system are located in every major city.
Additionally, you can stuff the Monster Hunter Tokens you stockpiled into convenient little boxes to lighten the load of your inventory, this can be done at every bank NPC, in any town.
Earning Monster Tokens
Giant Hunting
Every giant you might encounter will drop Monster Hunter Tokens depending on it's and your level.
Party Quests
All these Quests Require you to be in a party to start and complete. This is to allow friends to go to dungeons together and all earn tokens rather then the person who just got the last hit
Non-Party Quests
Exchange Rewards
Fashion Reward Info:
There are a total of 8 types of sets for each gender, each come in 3 different styles T1, T2 and T3.
Each set has a box you can exchange with Monster Hunter Tokens and contains one of the 3 styles of that set (where T1 styles are common rewards, T2 are uncommon rewards and T3 are rare rewards)
Female Fashion
Misc Exchange Info:
The Misc Exchange contains Monster Hunter Lord Cloaks, Pocket Pangs, Scroll of Awakening Protection, Revert Transmutation Scrolls, Lv.60 - Lv.300 Gold Keys, Monster Hunter Shield Boxes and DOTA2 Pick Up Pet Boxes you can exchange with Monster Hunter Tokens.
Monster Hunter Lord Cloaks
Monster Hunter Shield Box
Dota 2 Pick Up Pet Box
Weapon Reward Info:
Each Weapon type has a box you can exchange with Monster Hunter Tokens and contain one random type reward of that weapon. Each weapon box weapon has an equal chance of being in your box so none of this rare nonsense like with the cs sets (which is why these boxes are cheaper)
Dota 2 Random Weapon Boxes